November 30, 2015
Letters to my Littles | November
Welcome to my monthly Letter to my Littles. After you enjoy my letter please continue on through our blog circle to see what my wonderful friend Allie has written to her littles here. Keep reading through the circle – it’s a wonderful glimpse of motherhood from various corners of the world.
Dear Caleb and Liam,
It’s hard to believe that we are reaching the end of the year already. It’s been such a big year of big events for our family. In November we managed to slow down just a little before we ramp it up again for the holidays.
We took some time to get family photos done and I am super happy we did this. It’s wonderful to be in the photo with you boys! Thank you to Jesse for these images.
I very proud of both of you boys. This year you both marched in our community Remembrance Day parade and stood at the ceremony. We missed seeing great-grandpa who also marched with the veterans in the bigger parade. But we will go and be with him next year.
Liam you have had some important milestones in your life – you have started to read. It’s very impressive to hear your list of site words growing and to hear you read short books.
You have also been on your very first overnight camping trip with the Beaver Scouts. You got to spend the night at the Nature House in Goldstream Park. Unfortunately you forgot to bring your jacket on a very cold and rainy day. I had to rely on a new friend to drive it out to you. (This did prompt the final purchase of a second vehicle.)
Liam, you have also gotten increasingly silly… some days you drive us all bananas!
Caleb, while your brother was at camp we had a Men in Black movie marathon. It’s fun to watch you growing up and starting to enjoy the things that I liked at your age. You recently got your grade five grad hoodie. When you put it on you suddenly looked so much older.
We still been trying to spend as much time as we can outside. The days are now shorter and it’s dark when we get home from work. So weekends are outside in the sun whenever possible. The doorbell is constantly being rung by all the neighbourhood boys asking if your two can come out to play. I love that you have so many friends nearby.
The month has ended with us having a split weekend again. Caleb, you and Dad were at Cub Camp while Liam and I watched the Santa parade and got some Christmas shopping done.
It’s funny how we end up splitting up in order to spend time together. But I am looking forward to the next month and our annual 25 days of Christmas. Spending time together each day doing something special is what makes the holidays magical for me.
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