June 30, 2016
Letter to my Littles | June 2016
Welcome to another installment of my letters to my littles – a glimpse of our life with two busy boys!
Dear Caleb and Liam,
June has been one of the busiest months we have had yet! It’s hard to believe the year is already half over.
This month we celebrated your 11th birthday Caleb. You had your birthday party planned for months – dinner at Japanese Village followed by a sleepover with some friends. Dinner was fabulous! (Liam you spent the night at your buddy Owen’s house and had fun there). Caleb, I believe “sleep-over” is a loose term. I think you all went to sleep around 3am. I’m not totally sure, as I fell asleep long before you all did.
We have reached the end of another school year, and what a busy one it’s been. This last month especially has been filled with field trips, fun days and so much volunteer time at the school. (I’m tired – but you are both worth it). Caleb you finished grade five, and also finished your time in elementary school. It’s a bittersweet – you have been there for 6 years. I know you are ready to move on to middle school. I’m not sure my mama heart is ready for you to move on though. Liam you got kicked out of kindergarten. You finished your year with a pool party! It was quite a send off for you and your big kindergarten year.
You also had your year end wrap up with Beavers and Cubs. Caleb you have jumped up from Cubs to Scouts, and are excited for the new adventures that await you in the fall.
The last thing you got to do with Cubs was the year end trip to the Horne Lake caves. You loved it. Dad said you went rappelling down the advanced side!
While you and dad were at the caves, Liam and I went went to Navy Days. We got to see so many things on the navel base. You loved it Liam.
We celebrated father’s day with lots of homemade presents for daddy.
As a family we have been trying to take advantage of the nice weather. Summer is finally here! We went to Beach Food Friday at Esquimalt Lagoon. We had burgers and poutine, followed by a fire with our new fire bowl. It was so much fun. We will definitely be doing this again.
We wrapped up June with a camping trip with some of my work friends up at Living Forest Campground. You were both thrilled to find out some classmates were there at the same time. You both got along really well with Cohen and Noah too. Caleb you and Cohen had fun going off on your own to fish or explore. Liam, you and Noah created a new game “crazy birds” – which translates to: let go crazy and throw around everything we can see. Our tent broke while we were camping and there may have been a few falls from the hammock, but it was a really fun trip and great way to kick off our summer.
I’m looking forward to all the adventures that await us in the next couple of months.
I love you both – my 6th grader and my 1st grader…ugh!!
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