September 20, 2016

Fall Mini Sessions

Hello poor neglected blog…

Life has thrown some really big curve balls at our family.  It’s made me pause in my business and really reflect on life.  It has also made me realize the importance of creating and holding on to memories, and leaving a legacy for our children.  So I am once again offering mini sessions this fall to give you a chance to capture a snippet of your life.

Personally, I am not at my prettiest… I’m out of shape, a little stressed and have some tired looking eyes.  But my children love me any way.  Life can change in an instant.  Although I don’t feel like putting myself in front of the camera I realized that if I kept waiting, I would miss out on the opportunity to save moments that show me loving on my family, in this moment.  I would miss out on sharing with them how I feel about them.  I would deprive myself the chance to look back at our life and have all the feels come back.  It’s not perfect, but it’s life.  The good, the bad, the moments that will forever make you crack a smile.

This summer I invested in a really big family photo session for my family.  I can’t wait to fill my walls with some of the incredible images.  My photographer was fabulous.  The beach setting was beautiful.  But those aren’t why these photos make me smile and cry at the same time.  It’s the people in the photo that make me love them.  Because I love those people.  They don’t see my flabby arms – they see me wrapping them in a hug.  I see the way my older son teases my youngest, as he changes from a kid to a young adult.  I see the charm my youngest has and how he was such a goof that day, trying to allude the camera.  I see the way my husband adores me as he holds me from the wind.  I can still hear the laughter!

So let’s do this for you.  Let’s make you feel something every time you look at your family in that frame on your living room.  Let’s make some magic.

I know not everyone can afford a full session, so that is why I have chosen to do some limited mini sessions again.  This is your chance to get in the frame with your children, your loved one, your people! See you there.


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