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Apple | Victoria BC Photographer – ALLYSON ELL PHOTOGRAPHY
July 30, 2014

Apple | Victoria BC Photographer

I am so lucky that I am part of a large family.  We all meet every Sunday for dinner at my grandparents’ house.  This is a tradition that started when I was a baby and has continued on.  My children now spend Sunday evenings at my grandparents’ house.  I love watching them get the same love, attention and experiences as I did.  Right down to picking those apples off the trees.  I know one day there may be a day when we  will no longer be at that house and in that backyard;  where Sunday dinners at that house will be only a sweet memory.  But until then, I am going to suck up every delicious moment of these nights with my family.

1 Comment


Love Sunday dinner traditions!

11:16 July 30, 2014

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