September 3, 2014
Embrace. Life. Moments. | Victoria Storytelling Photographer
Dish duty – Liam, age 4… also known as the day he spent 40 minutes happily scrubbing out silcone muffins liners, plastic containers and my French Press until they were all super extra clean (along with his shirt and the floor!) He was so proud of the work he had done. I was proud that he had learned a few life skills. My husband was happy he didn’t break our coffee pot. His big brother was happy he had 40 minutes of uninterrupted time. Mostly, I realized how much my baby was growing up, and becoming a contributing member of the family. He is on the bridge between young child and independent boy, and time seems to be moving at increasing fast intervals. I can’t stop time, but for a millisecond I can freeze it into a thought-provoking, life embracing moment that I can look at and revisit over and over, and we can all remember those 40 minutes.
During the last several months I have been on a journey to take my photography to the next level. As I gain a deeper technical skill set, I’m also working on deepening the meaning behind my photography on a personal level. I don’t want to just capture smiles in my photos – I want the smiles I get to be from looking at the moments I capture. I want show a glimpse at my life now, so when I look back I can transport myself right back to that moment, those feelings, those sounds and smells, and emotions.
I also want to do this for you. If you are interested in having personal, meaningful, memorable moments of your life preserved – send me an email. I want to tell your story.
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