February 2, 2014

Four people in January

Okay so I promised I would blog more…ummm… it will happen.  But one of the things I realized in the fall was that I was missing my kids and my family.  So I have really stepped away from technology this year.  Last year I was on my laptop every day.  This year, I am only on a few times a week.  It means that I am often missing out on the photography forums that I was a part of, or the editing and crafty creating I used to do.  But also means I am more present with my kids.  I have a come to realize that I don’t need to be all things – a good wife, good mother, good photographer, good IDP consultant, good blogger – I just need to be… Just Be.  So that is what I am trying to do.  Just be happy with the way things are… just be a mom some days… just be present with my kids… just be a good listener to my husband… just be appreciative of the many blessings in my life.  And sometimes just be still.  So there are days when lots of things don’t get done – but I will be happy with what is accomplished and what I can be that day.

My other goal for this year is to be a part of the photographic memories Ii am creating for my children.  In 2011 I tried to do a family photo of us every month.  I got to August and then it fizzled out.  But this year I want to commit to those 12 pictures.  It’s just 12 pictures.  I can do it.  In fact I encourage everyone to do it.  If you are looking for a photography goal try this one – take a photo of you and your family once a month.  It doesn’t have to be perfect.  It doesn’t even have to be with your fancy DSLR – it can be with your phone.  The important thing is to get in the shot. At the end of the year you will have 12 photos that you will cherish.

Here is my family in January:


And because I adore this photo that my husband managed to get while I carried our tired and grumpy three year old – here’s one more from January that is very special to my heart.



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