August 17, 2014
Happy Wedding Shower Day Doodlebugs!
In January of 2013, we took a trip to Disneyland. (One day I will finsih editing those and blog about the fun we had with the kids). While there we were able to meet up with my sister and her boyfriend who had gone on a trip to San Francisco. While there, Jordan proposed to Megan on the Golden Gate bridge . We were the first to know when they met us in Anaheim. We were sworn to secrecy… until they could get home and tell our family the news in person. I made them get the wedding Mickey and Minnie Ears to celebrate, and then dragged them around to take some fun photos of the newly engaged pair. At one point they even got serenaded by the mariachi band in California Adventure Park – how cool is that? I’m so glad I got to be a part of their engagement in a small way. And umm… Megan and Jordan – here are those photos a year and a half later. Just in time for the wedding shower we are having for my sister today. Happy shower day to my baby sister. I love you Doodlebugs!
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