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Letter to my Littles | January 2015 – ALLYSON ELL PHOTOGRAPHY
January 31, 2015

Letter to my Littles | January 2015

Welcome to a new series:  Letters to my Littles.  I have joined in a blog circle chronicling the lives of our children through monthly letters.   I hope you enjoy this glimpse into my family life.  Please continue to read through the blog circle, after you have read my letter please click over to my friend Ann’s blog.


Dear Caleb and Liam,

When you were both born I started writing you monthly letters describing everything you had learned, milestones you had reached, and the fun we had as a family.  Over time, I sadly stopped updating our family blog.  (I think the last post there was from August 2012…oops!)  Recently I showed you this old blog Caleb, and all the stories and photos from your early days.  You have loved looking back on your early childhood.  So I have decided to try again.  I want to be able to share in words and pictures the story of us, so that you can one day see your childhood through my mommy eyes.  I hope you enjoy this glimpse of this moment in time.


It is hard to believe 2015 is here.  This is the year Caleb turns double digits – I can’t believe my little Squishy will be 10.  How did you grow up so fast Caleb?  And Liam Bean, you will be turning 5 and going to kindergarten in the fall.  It is bitter-sweet for me.  As much as I love watching you both grow up and experience life, I miss out little snugly baby days.

This year started with skating for both of you.  Liam you were so determined to make us keep our promise to take you skating at the outdoor rink.   This was your first time on ice skates ever.  You loved it!  I did too, and I’m so glad daddy captured this moment for us.


Caleb you also went skating in a school field trip with all the other kids in your grade.  You did not love it.  You struggled a little.  Although you tried to have fun, at the end you were frustrated and tired.  But I am so proud of you for trying.  I know it is harder for you than your peers.  One day we will talk more about your past therapies and your DCD.  For now thought, I just want you know how much I love you and how glad I am that you tried.  Your friends were pretty proud of you too.


I always find January a little sad because we have to take down Christmas.  You two were sad to say goodbye to our elf Jack, but were pretty okay to demolish the gingerbread houses!


This month we celebrated great grandpa’s 89th birthday and had our first cousin sleepover.  You loved having our little cousin Brayden spend the night.  You were both so good at watching him and helping to take care of him.


This month we also registered Liam for kindergarten.  It’s hard to believe this big milestone is coming up so soon.  Liam I know you are ready for kindergarten… but I’m not so sure kindergarten is ready for you and your antics!


This is going to be a big year of growth and change for all of us.  I can’t wait to see what adventures you will both get up to. I love you both!



/Letters to My Children/ January 2015

[…] head over to my immensely talented friend Ally’s blog to read her letter, then continue around the circle until you land back […]

07:01 January 31, 2015


Oh, Ally! I can't express my excitement for this project. You've been one of my favorite photographers for years now, I've loved watching Caleb and Liam grow. Unfortunately I've lost touch with a lot of the social media, and you and your family, too. So excited to get reconnected in 2015 <3 Oh, and as always, your pictures are fantastic, great idea for the 2015 and Liam in his jammies, sooooo cute!

05:27 February 1, 2015


    Thank you Val! I'm so excited that you are doing this project with me. I can't wait to see what the year brings to us and our boys!

    13:13 February 10, 2015

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