February 29, 2016
Letters to my Littles | February 2016
Welcome to another Letters to my Littles post. After reading my letter please go to my friend Christine’s blog and read her letter to her littles. Keep following the links to see glimpses of motherhood from everywhere. Thanks for joining me as I write these love letters to my children.
Dear Caleb and Liam,
It’s been another busy month in our house. We’ve all battled colds and sniffles. Ugh! Between daddy’s snoring (from his stuffed up nose) and you crawling into bed with us because you feel unwell, it’s also been a bit of a sleep deprived month!
We did manage to get out and get some fresh air during family day. We went out and did the Lego Fest again in Sidney, then enjoyed some time at the water. It’s been wonderful to see sunshine hitting your faces again.
We also celebrated Valentine’s day. This year we started a new family tradition. We set up a little Valentine tree on our dining table and we left little love notes for each other.
Caleb, this month I attended a parent info night at your middle school./ It still shocks me that you will be in middle school in September. Meanwhile, Liam this month you celebrated the 100th day of kindergarten. You had to dress up like a 100 year old person. You also had to do a project with 100 items – so we made a monster with 100 googly eyes! I’m so thankful we don’t celebrate 200th day!
We also went on a photo walk together out to Whiffin Spit. I took along my digital and film cameras and let you play with the G12 Caleb, and let Liam play with the Instax mini. It was fun despite the rain. I took these…
Caleb took these…
Liam took these…
At the end of that day we say this beautiful rainbow!
But by far my favorite photos of the month are these family ones we took over valentine’s weekend. I love these photos – they remind me of how much I love you both!
Here is our February film about how most of our weekends are:
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[…] reading this letter check out Allyson’s letter to her boys. February 29, […]
08:56 February 29, 2016