March 31, 2016
Letters to my Littles | March 2016
Welcome to another installment of my letters to my littles – a glimpse of our life with two busy boys!
Dear Caleb and Liam,
March has completely flown by so quickly! This was the month I left you all to spend a few days with some fantastic photography friends. (But you two hardly missed me). Thanks to the inspiration and renewed energy I got from that trip I took a million pictures this month. So this letter has a lot of images (fair warning!) March was also the month of the world’s looooooooooongest spring break ever.
We did a lot of fun things! During my time off with you we went and explored some beaches. We hike the Pike Road trail of East Sooke Park and had some fun in the tide pools of Iron Mine Bay. Caleb you were like a mountain goat climbing up to the top of a rock. You were so good at helping your brother and I up too. The view was amazing!
We also had a Beacon Hill park day with the goats at the petting zoo. (Those photos will have to wait a little as I shot them on my film camera). We had peacocks circling our car that day too.
We then had another day at East Sooke Park with dad. It was fun to run through the shore line, try to build castles and have you both creating things in the sand. We ended that day with dinner at My Chosen Cafe.
Unfortunately when we got home we found out our washing machine had flooded the house. That’s a whole other big story. But it is also the reason Spring Break kind of went down hill from there. Dad didn’t get to do as much fun stuff with you both as he wanted to during his time off with you.
We did manage to get a few hours in Sidney to explore the aquarium and the park.
We also did a day trip to Salt Spring Island. Although you both weren’t sure at first, you did like looking around at the Salt Spring Market and Ruckle Park. You both loved the sheep farm, the taco truck and the toy store!
We also found some time to just relax at our local beach spot, dig in the sand, climb the logs and fly the kite.
So all in all, it was a pretty fun spring break despite the chaos in the house.
We also celebrated Easter! We glittered the eggs this year. Fun while we were doing it, but messy as we are trying to eat the eggs. On Easter morning you were both thrilled by items the Easter Bunny left. When you opened up some gummy bunnies Liam, you exclaimed “These are just like the ones we used to find at great grandma’s house”. I’m so glad you remembered her. Easter egg hunting at great-grandpa and great-grandma’s was definitely not the same without poh-poh. This is the last of the hard holidays. You two are both so sweet to me still whenever I get sad.
I’ve put together another little family film. This is all about our Spring Break adventures. I’m so glad to have these fun little snippets of our life together.
I love you always,
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