November 7, 2013
The Class of 2031 | Victoria Newborn Photographer
I usually do individual blog posts for each session. but alas, the fall session has me totally behind in blogging, again! Oops. This summer was definitely the season of babies. I photographed so many adorable little faces. Many of these little ones are friends of my nephew Brayden. A few are friends of clients and a few just happened to find me, and have become a part of our Squishy Prints Photography family.
So may I present the cute faces of 2013 – the future graduating class of 2031:
Meera and Mahaan:
Cohen with big brother Jackson:
Logan with his big sister:
Noah with his big brother Kingston:
There is one more 2013 newborn to share – but his parents maternity photos deserve a post too – so stay tuned for more cuteness coming soon. Thank you to these wonderful families for letting me capture your children’s first few days. I really enjoyed the snuggle time (the poop, not so much). But the snuggles, smiles and unconditional love you moms and dads have for these sweet faces are totally what make me love my job.
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Baby Bradley and his big sister | Victoria Photographer » Squishy Prints Photography
[…] of the babies that I didn’t include in my previous Class of 2031 post was baby Bradley. I thought that he deserved a post of his own since he’s wonderful parents […]
21:29 February 25, 2014