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{"id":6703,"date":"2016-05-31T11:55:46","date_gmt":"2016-05-31T18:55:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.allysonell.com\/?p=6703"},"modified":"2016-06-01T00:06:31","modified_gmt":"2016-06-01T07:06:31","slug":"letter-to-my-littles-may-2016","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.allysonell.com\/letter-to-my-littles-may-2016\/","title":{"rendered":"Letter to my Littles | May 2016"},"content":{"rendered":"

Welcome to another installment of my letters to my littles – a glimpse of our life with two busy boys!<\/em><\/p>\n

Dear Caleb and Liam,<\/p>\n

This month has been both fast and slow. \u00a0Mostly because we spent two weeks living elsewhere while our home underwent some major renovations. \u00a0Remember that flood we had over spring break? \u00a0Everything got repaired this month and we also worked on home improvements while that was going on – painting the whole house (which is still in progress – but your mama has officially put paint on almost every wall of this house) and getting an updated kitchen, which your dad has worked very hard on (with a little help from grandpa and Uncle Dave).<\/p>\n



Living in the hotel was fun for the first little while, but also was exhausting. \u00a0We did have a great pool to splash in and a wonderful patio.<\/p>\n


We returned back to the house daily to work on things and you both got used to just roaming the neighbourhood and spending hours outside with your friends. \u00a0We had Domino’s pizza on speed dial, and managed to have a few construction picnics on the bare subfloor while we watched paint dry.<\/p>\n


Liam, you were thrilled that I let you ride your bike through the house. \u00a0This is the only time you will be allowed to do that!<\/p>\n


We also left our mark behind the refrigerator. \u00a0A little piece of history that someone else will find one day!<\/p>\n



We celebrated Mother’s day – and you both gave me to best little gifts. \u00a0My favorite though, was our photos together.<\/p>\n


Both of you showed off your wonderful work at the school Spring Showcase of Learning. \u00a0Liam, you gave a beautiful little performance of Anancy the Spider with your class. \u00a0Caleb you showed handwriting samples that are better than your dad’s! \u00a0We are so proud of both of you!<\/p>\n



You both also went to camp this month. \u00a0Caleb you participated in the Scouts Spring Challenge. \u00a0I heard all sorts of stories about you using a handsaw and building things. \u00a0You hiked in and tented with the scouts, and I know you will do great with them next year, as you move up from cubs to scouts. \u00a0Liam you and Dad did the big Beaver camp together and you got to canoe for the first time. I’m so glad you both get to experience these fun times with you dad.<\/p>\n

I can’t wait until the house is back and order and we can resume our regular routines again. \u00a0Although – things are changing quickly anyway – it’s almost summer! Already!<\/p>\n



Here is this month’s family film – all about the areas you both run freely through.<\/p>\n